Section 1: The name of the association is the Classics Women’s Golf Association.
Section 2: The purpose of the association shall be the promotion and fellowship of golf among the members of the Classics Golf and Country Club and other local golf associations.
Section 1: Membership in the association shall be open to women who are entitled to play golf through membership in the Classics Golf and Country Club.
Section 2: Transfer memberships are ineligible for member/guest tournaments and club championships, etc.
Section 1: The officers of the association shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and a Director at large.
Section 2: The officers shall be elected at the annual meeting to serve for a term of one (1) year or until their successors are elected. The term of office shall begin upon adjournment of the annual meeting.
Section 3: All officers upon retiring shall deliver to their successors all records and property belonging to the association.
Section 4: The Executive Committee may fill a vacancy in any office for the balance of the term during which the vacancy occurred.
Section 5: The President shall preside at all meetings of the association and the Executive Committee and shall determine the dates for the Executive Committee and general meetings. She shall name such committees and appoint such persons, who shall not be officers, as may be necessary for the functioning of the association. The President’s term of office shall be one year.
Section 6: The Vice President shall assume the role of the President when she is unable to serve. She shall be available to assist committee chairwomen when needed. The Vice President will automatically move to office of President the year following her one (1) year term.
Section 7: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the business of the association. She shall be the custodian of the records of the association and keep the membership roster and shall receive and acknowledge all correspondence.
Section 8: The Treasurer receives and disburses all funds connected with the association. She shall be responsible for the banking and financial reports to the Executive Board of Directors at each meeting as well as the general meetings. There shall be two signers on the bank account, the Treasurer and another officer.
Section 1: There shall be two yearly membership meetings. The first will be a general membership meeting and the second will be the annual meeting at the closing luncheon.
Section 2: Notice of the meetings containing the agenda shall be posted two (2) weeks prior to these meetings. Section 3: A golf shop representative will be invited to attend all meetings.
Section 1: There shall be an Executive Committee that shall be comprised of the officers. The past President shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.
Section 2: The Executive Committee shall have all powers of the association according to the bylaws.
Section 1: There shall be a Nominating Committee consisting of five (5) members.
Section 2: The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the Executive officers at the general meeting to prepare a slate of officers. Additional nominations can be made and seconded from the floor at the annual meeting.
Section 3: No person may be appointed to the Nominating Committee who at the date of appointment or election is a member of the Board or who was appointed or elected to the Nominating Committee within the last (2) years.
Section 4: Nominations will be posted in the women’s locker room two weeks prior to the annual meeting at the closing luncheon.
Section 5: The Executive Board may decide to have the election of officers within thirty (30) days preceding the closing luncheon, if necessary. In which case, the newly elected officers will not take over their duties until the closing luncheon. A slate of nominations to be elected and notice of the meeting must be posted at least two weeks before the election. All members must be present to vote.
Section 1: The membership dues for the year beginning each October 1 and ending on the following September 30 shall be set by the Executive Committee.
Section 1: All competitions shall be played in accordance with the USGA Rules of Golf and established local rules.
Section 2: The Inter-Club Chairwoman will attend meetings with the pro staff for scheduling calendar events.
Section 1: These By-Laws may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present at any duly called meeting.
Section 2: The proposed amendment(s) must be submitted in writing to all members of the association by posting a copy thereof in the locker room two (2) weeks before the date of such meeting.
Section 3: An announcement will be made for the proposed amendment(s) at the meeting prior to voting.
Section 1: These By-Laws, as revised, shall become effective on the day following their amendment by the membership.
Submitted: March 2001
Adopted: April 11, 2001
Revised: April 6, 2006
Adopted: April 19, 2006
Classics Women's Golf Association
Lely Resort, FL, USA